Uma política da opacidade na era do niilismo?

Ou de como não sucumbir à tematização do outro que o ser


  • Elzahrã Omar Osman



ontologismo, Derrida, Levinas, niilismo, Metafísica ocidental


This investigation intends to look at the history of Western metaphysics as a central narrative of the modern project, since it is associated with the development of the will to truth as a preponderant value to the supposed epistemic superiority of the West and the supposed right to conceive parts of the world as resources. Western metaphysics is thus the basis not only for the practice of Western coexistence in the world, but also for the technique and science attached to it. The investigation intends to explore the idea that some important links between Western metaphysics and the history (and destiny) of modernity can be clarified by a parallel reading of the critique of ontologism that Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida promote and of the post-colonial literature that diagnoses the consequences of western world domination. Ontologism is understood as the thesis of the preponderance and sufficiency of being, as Levinas articulated in large measure in contrast to Martin Heidegger and his diagnosis about the era of the history of being in which things are gradually and indiscriminately made available (but not available to any particular entity). Thus, the research exercise Just started here is not intended to represent the “other”, nor does it seek to give it legitimacy, but only to see the other in the same the Levinasian way, as well as to inquire, through the presentation of said oppositions, the scene of the production of thought at the time of nihilism, that is, at the time of the extraction of any and all intelligibility, and not only human.


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How to Cite

OMAR OSMAN, Elzahrã. Uma política da opacidade na era do niilismo? Ou de como não sucumbir à tematização do outro que o ser. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 98–115, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/dasquestoes.v9i1.31905. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 may. 2024.