“To put an end to this damned thing”: Rebutting denialism strategies performed by people in situation of homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemics (Brazil)





covid-19, homeless population, Brazil, denialism, social suffering


In this article we highlight some responses of collective resistance by members of the National Movement of People in Situational Homelessness (MNPR) in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), during the COVID-19 pandemics. In this context, this collective had to face a deep state of crisis, aggravated during the pandemic and as a result of its effects. During the months of July 2020 to August 2022, through a project funded by the National Research Council (CNPQ), we conducted participatory research within vulnerable social groups in order to help them strengthen their social and community organization in the face of the pandemics by analyzing and producing knowledge. The chosen ethnographic approach took place through virtual meetings, telephone contacts and a chat flow during the period in WhatsApp groups. As a result, we contrasted the potent local struggles of this movement with the denialist, negligent and pseudo-scientific attitudes of the Federal Government, which strengthened a genocidal process based on dehumanizing policies of neoliberal nature. We note that, even when the population mentioned dealt with the effects of a pandemic potentiated by structural racism and social exclusion, they organized creative coping strategies, and exemplified, through pedagogies of struggle, growing paths for the practice of citizen science.


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Author Biographies

Ana Gretel Echazú Böschemeier, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Assistant professor, researcher and translator. She is a part of the Department of Anthropology and the Social Anthropology Post-Degree Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Holding a post doctorate in the Collective Health field, she is a leading researcher at the Boas Práticas Research Group from the National Council of Sciences (CNPQ).

Maria Teresa Nobre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Professor from the Psychology Department, and the Psychology Post-Degree Program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. She is a psychologist, holding a PhD and a post doctorate in the field of Sociology. She is a member of the Center of Reference in Human Rights at the UFRN, and a supporter of the Movimento Nacional da População em Situação de Rua.

José Vanilson Torres da Silva, Movimento Nacional da População em Situação de Rua

He has training in Rualogia, living for 27 years in a situation of homelessness. He coordinates the Movimento Nacional da População em Situação de Rua. A member of the Forum Defesa da Pop Rua, and of the City and State Councils linked to this population, as well as a part of both the National Council of Health, and Justice.


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How to Cite

Böschemeier, Ana Gretel Echazú, Maria Teresa Nobre, and José Vanilson Torres da Silva. 2023. “‘To Put an End to This Damned thing’: Rebutting Denialism Strategies Performed by People in Situation of Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemics (Brazil)”. Anuário Antropológico 48 (2):123-43. https://doi.org/10.4000/aa.11100.