Language; Speechlessness; Black Feminism; ResistanceAbstract
This paper analyzes the language appropriation made by black women, as resistance strategies to the speechlessness. From relevant theoretical debates about black feminism, the specific black woman speech place is defined, subjugated by articulated oppressions among themselves related to race, class, sexual orientation, and related to further factors, and being considered the Other one from the other. Therefore, it is understood that black feminists use the power of their self-definition, from the use of the word, as an effective practice that leads to emancipation, identities reconstruction and to the regaining of social rights. In addition, the black poetry, specifically, removes the mask of silencing, makes of the barricade verb against the negativization and the subalternization. It is the lyric of the cure that faces the inferiorization. It is the form of the dream of justice that faces the dehumanization, understood as the courage materialized in verses.
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