


Media discourse, Youth, Violence, Capitalism, Juvenicide


The relationship between media discourse and youth rights can be demonstrated by considering factors such as stereotyping of this social segment and the proliferation of ideology among viewers. This article aims to understand how this statement is reflected in the difficulties faced by young Brazilians. To this end, the data obtained are divided between the streets and the internet. On the streets, figures are presented that portray the violence suffered both in terms of difficulty in accessing rights and in homicides. On the internet, the data demonstrate the acceptance of media discourse by viewers, who not only agree but also disseminate the information. In the aforementioned phenomenon, we can see the full relationship between the hegemony of capital and the lack of effectiveness of youth rights, caused by the action of the media and advertising market, as well as its agents, culminating in the violence identified on the streets and on the internet.



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How to Cite

SILVEIRA ROCHA, Israel; ANTONIO SCHERER, Giovane. TARGETING YOUTH: FROM BLOOD IN THE STREETS TO HATE ON THE INTERNET. SER Social, Brasília, v. 27, n. 56, 2024. DOI: 10.26512/ser_social.v27i56.55602. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mar. 2025.