Beyond books: The Ricardo León Public Library and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals


  • Marina Cuervo Moreno Biblioteca Municipal Ricardo León de Galapagar, Madrid, España
  • Pablo Parra Valero Biblioteca Municipal Ricardo León de Galapagar, Madrid, España



: reading. social integration. Public library. childhood. teenagers. reading animation. sustainable development.


This Project, developed and executed entirely by librarians was born to work on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of UNESCO through the books. It is a program oriented to children between 5 and 15 years old with risk of social exclusion. With the move of the Public Library to a centrical location, we noticed the needs of groups who lives nearly and aren’t regular users. We noticed that the biggest part of them are Moroccan immigrants of a second generation, and their families. They show deficiencies in aspects such as reading comprehension, correct use of library services or interaction with other users of different collectives. With this project we are trying to break race or religion walls and pretend to integrate all the people previously mentioned in daily activities of the library and look for a starting point where continue with a wider projection, in the duration of the project and in the number of users reached.


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How to Cite

Cuervo Moreno, M., & Parra Valero, P. (2019). Beyond books: The Ricardo León Public Library and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Revista Ibero-Americana De Ciência Da Informação, 12(2), 615–641.