National Libraries and mobile applications: analysis of online services available in Android applications




National Libraries, Online Services, Mobile Applications


Abstract: The aim of the study was to analyze the online services available in Android applications from the National Libraries of the ICT Development Index (IDI), which have Spanish, English or Portuguese as their official languages, resulting in a total of 84 countries.

Initially, were searched the countries that had the languages ”‹”‹defined in the study among their official languages. Later, the Libraries of this countries were searched on the Google Play platform for surveying existing applications. The result of the sample for analysis: 8 countries and 11 applications. We analyzed the main characteristics present in the use of the applications and the services offered in them. Given the results obtained, it is possible to affirm that the NLs analyzed have focused on the provision of information dissemination services and material availability, especially the dissemination of general information on Libraries and the supply of eBooks. Among the conclusions, a low adaptation of NLs to mobile technologies was identified. The focus is still on services performed on site, such as legal deposit and preservation of the works of his country. This contrary one of the challenges of the information society: the democratization of information access.


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Author Biographies

Enrique Muriel-Torrado, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (PGCIN), Florianópolis, SC, Brasil

Possui graduação em Diplomatura en Biblioteconomía y Documentación pela Universidade de Extremadura (2005), graduação em Licenciatura en Documentación pela Universidade de Extremadura (2007), mestrado em Máster en Documentación Digital - Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2008), mestrado em Máster en Información Científica - Universidad de Granada (2008) e doutorado em Doctorado en Documentación - Universidad de Granada (2012). Atualmente é professor assistente na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Tem experiência na área de Ciência da Informação e atua principalmente nos seguintes temas: direitos autorais, copyright, copyleft, privacidade, sociedade da informação e serviços e ferramentas em unidades de informação. Editor Chefe da Revista Encontros Bibli. Membro do grupo ITI-RG (Intelligence, Techonogy and Information - Research Group) da UFSC e do Grupo de Software Documental da Universidad de Granada.

Amanda Soares, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Departamento de Engenharia do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil

Mestranda em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Graduada em Biblioteconomia na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).


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How to Cite

Muriel-Torrado, E., & Soares, A. (2020). National Libraries and mobile applications: analysis of online services available in Android applications. Revista Ibero-Americana De Ciência Da Informação, 13(3), 814–834.