Digital preservation: challenges, experiences and opportunities

challenges, experiences and opportunities


  • Manuela Moro Cabero Universidade de Salamanca



Digital preservation


The digital economy represents a new productive model in which the information professional must establish himself as a facilitating agent. The work object of the professional has changed from analogue to digital. This means adopting methods and having knowledge for your job that will preserve the digital resource for the time needed. From this, the manager should reflect on the nature and scope of preservation; in this way, it can assume a proactive role aimed at obtaining a sustainable electronic file. The present study aims to conceptualize preservation while increasing its complexity. It seeks to achieve two objectives. The first one focuses on exposing the most outstanding threats of the digital resource, while the second one is about exposing the scope of an action plan, as well as its basic actions. The study is characterized as being of a descriptive nature, based on bibliographic sources and the analysis of the technological and normative tools used in preservation. The expected results are as follows: list of the most significant threats, identification of the approaches needed to address preservation, reconceptualization of preservation and, finally, determination of ways of acting.


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Author Biography

Manuela Moro Cabero, Universidade de Salamanca

Profesora titular del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Salamanca y profesora invitada en el Curso de Pos-graduación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias - UNESP, Brasil. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación del CNPq: Ged/A-Gestão Eletrônica de Documentos Arquivísticos (Brasil) y del Comité Técnico Nacional 50 sobre Información y Documentación de la Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (Aenor). Sus publicaciones recientes tratan de la difusión de las normas en España, y de las relaciones de la serie Management system standards (MSS) de la ISO. Es miembro del Observatorio de Prospectiva Archivística y Sociedad de la UC3M.



How to Cite

Cabero, M. M. (2018). Digital preservation: challenges, experiences and opportunities: challenges, experiences and opportunities. Revista Ibero-Americana De Ciência Da Informação, 12(1), 120–144.