Voicing the Self, Performing Collectives

Testimonio in Contemporary Argentine Theater





Testimonio, Voice, Collectivity, Subjectivity, Real-Fiction


This article looks at the relationship between theater and the literary genre of testimonio, particularly the ways the I and the we take on corporeal and vocal existence onstage to enact new ways of being, together. To exemplify its observations, the essay turns to the work of Lola Arias and Compañía de Funciones Patrióticas and Corda-Doberti and argues that by audibly replaying the past in the present (through recording technology or verbatim reenactment), testimonial performances direct audiences toward more ethical futures.


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Author Biography

Nahuel Telleria, Helmerich School of Drama, University of Oklahoma – OU Drama, Norman, OK, USA

Nahuel Telleria is Assistant Professor of Dramaturgy at the Helmerich School of Drama, University of Oklahoma (USA). He investigates contemporary and historical issues of dramatic structure, performance theory, politics, religion, and affect in Latin America. He is an educator, dramaturg, translator, and writer.


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How to Cite

Telleria, N. (2021). Voicing the Self, Performing Collectives: Testimonio in Contemporary Argentine Theater. Voz E Cena (Voice and Scene), 2(02), 34–58. https://doi.org/10.26512/vozcen.v2i02.40621



Thematic Dossier - Articles
