Female Voice Project
reconnecting yourself for voice expansion
Voice, Feminisms, Memories, Writing of OneselfAbstract
This work brings the research project Voice and Theater (hereinafter referred to as the Female Voice Project), from the UFRN Arts Department, linked to the Research Group on Body, Dance and Creation Processes - CIRANDAR, coordinated by the voice teachers Master Mayra Montenegro (from UFRN Theater Graduation) and Doctor Eleonora Montenegro (from UFPB Music Education Graduation). Started in 2017, from the desire to share with other women principles and practices experienced during the creation of the feminist theater play Violetas, directed by Raquel Scotti Hirson (Lume Teatro), built from the methodology of Corporeal Mimesis and Mimesis of the Word. This project researches the voice as an expression of the Being in the training for acting and in creation processes. When that voice is limited for some emotional or psychosomatic reason, its self-expression becomes restricted and its being reduced (Lowen, 1982). Based on the work of researchers from various areas, this article presents processes experienced in a writing of oneself (Rago, 2013), testimonies of the participants, reflections, new beginnings, even the scenes of memories that materialized in bodypoetry (Hirson, 2012) and were made sound, scream, word, voice. Thus, a new reflection: Through the reinvention of their own subjectivities, the possibility of being able to resume control of their own voices and lives.
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