Talking about race in the brazilian army: Structure, instruction and institution


  • Esther Krüger Silveira
  • Elloiza Sena Alves de Lima
  • Marina Panziera Alves


Race, Racism, Brazilian Army, Sociology of racism


The veiled racism present in the Brazilian Army was never a relevant agenda within the institution, after all, its naturalization was progressively stimulated — from the formation of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force to the present conjuncture, which shows a single black man in the position of general in the Force and only eleven in its history. The reality of this segregation was essential to recognize the relevance of racial theorists on this issue: if veiled racism is legitimized in such a powerful arm of the State, what happens in the rest of Brazilian society?


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How to Cite

Krüger Silveira, E., Sena Alves de Lima, E., & Panziera Alves, M. (2023). Talking about race in the brazilian army: Structure, instruction and institution. Revista Textos Graduados, 9(1), 41–49. Retrieved from