La hechiceríay sus sentidos


  • Fernando Giobellina Brumana Universidad de Cádiz


feitiçaria, modelos antropológicos, produção simbólica.


This article deals with the anthropological and sociological literature and the main theoretical models for the approach of sorcellery. It discusses the social dinamyc and the functionality ofmagical practices, comparing findings and exemples ofclassical etnographies with the fed research made in Brazil. It concludes asserting the meaning of sorcellery as a part of the forms of the society’s simbolic production.


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Author Biography

Fernando Giobellina Brumana, Universidad de Cádiz

 é professor da Universidad de Cádiz. A Hortensia Caro


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How to Cite

Brumana, F. G. . (2022). La hechiceríay sus sentidos. Sociedade E Estado, 14(01), 169–201. Retrieved from