The essay raises the questions of the Baroque and the Neo-baroque, as situated within the discussion of the postmodernism as a defy to any essential notion of meaning. In reference to Omar Calabrese and Severo Sarduy it is asked whether the Baroque, as a metaphor or heuristic figure, is capable to detect specific topics of a postmodern culture as an aesthetic representation of an inherent epistemological instability. Following, an independent analysis of the novel of Raduan Nassar, Lavoura Arcaica, in which the Baroque is seen less in terms of a comparison with the historical baroque literature and more as a figurative characteristic in the narrative organisation of the text. The analysis shows how the narative is converted into a scene of the ambiguous in which a unique meaning is sacrificed in the bifurcation of readings that interdicts the hermeneutic satisfaction in recognising a hidden meaning. On the contrary, it forms a genuine clair/obscure in which the expressive level is not any more an access to real meaning but a dissemination of the possibilities to resolve the secrets of the text. Finally, it shows how the novel is inscribed in the baroque scepticism towards the romantic-modem subjectivity. It deconstructs the psychological intimacy of the narrator and reveals the discourse as profoundly unrealiable.
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