Read, write, and publish in social sciences




Academic writing, Academic publication, Academic journals, Academic skills, Teaching writing


This article presents the main transformations of academic writing and the current dynamics of publication in scientific journals. It reveals some of the most common errors in the writing, submission, and review process, and offers some possible solutions to deal with the writing process, especially the first tools for writing an academic article in Social Sciences. Departing from a bibliographical review and my practice as a professor of academic writing, I offer some alternatives and suggestions to overcome the fear of the "blank page", time administration, and understanding the writing process as a dialogic and collective activity, which requires both the reading as multiple rewriting.


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Author Biography

Eloísa Martín, United Arab Emirates University

Professora associada do Departamento de Sociologia da United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates.


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How to Cite

Martín, E. (2018). Read, write, and publish in social sciences. Sociedade E Estado, 33(03), 941–961.


