Knowledge management and organizational culture
case study in public health organizations
Health Administration;, Health Governance; , Health Organizations; , Regional Health Planning; , Health Policy.Abstract
This research aimed to analyze how organizational culture influences the development and implementation of knowledge management in public health organizations. To this end, a multiple case study was carried out, whose data collection took place through a script of semi-structured interviews applied to managers of two objects of study, fictitiously identified as Organização Pública de Saúde Serra and Organização Pública de Saúde Campos, both located in in the Northeast Region of Rio Grande do Sul. For data analysis, content analysis was adopted. The results obtained evidenced the transmission of information through formal mechanisms of explicit knowledge sharing, facilitated by technological resources. It was also identified that the organizational cultures are heterogeneous, denoting evidence that although in the Public Health Organization Serra the culture is considered conservative, its employees are becoming less resistant to changes, stimulated by learning. On the other hand, at the Campos Public Health Organization, the overly conservative and 'closed' organizational culture is portrayed as a barrier to innovation and process improvement, being linked to party-political issues intrinsic to the social context.
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