Primary health care education strategies in COVID-19 pandemic context
Primary Health Care;, Information and Communication Technologies;, Health education.Abstract
In the scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic, Primary Health Care (PHC) becomes, more than ever, necessary, with its important role in preventing and controlling the spread of this disease. This study aims to report possible changes in health education strategies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an integrative review, in which the following steps were covered: elaboration of the research question, sampling or search in the literature of the studies, data extraction, evaluation of the included studies, interpretation of the results, presentation of the review. Thus, the study consisted of seven original articles that were submitted to data analysis. The analysis of the evidenced results was carried out in a descriptive way, in which actions aimed at the health needs of the population and health professionals were identified. The results consisted, above all, in the identification of the inclusion of information and communication technologies as additional mechanisms for accessing information for the population and in the permanent education of health professionals
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