Private Health Plans’ Communication with their Beneficiaries during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Health Communication. Supplemental Health. Health Management. COVID-19.Abstract
 The private health insurance sector is responsible for the healthcare of approximately 24% of the Brazilian population. Due to the situation of sanitary urgency caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the performance of health insurance companies with their clients becomes even more relevant. A coordinated action plan, with integrated actions and improved client-communication is expected, especially towards those most susceptible to risk: the elderly and the chronically ill. The present study sought to verify, through a survey, the perception of health plan beneficiaries regarding communication by health insurance companies during the pandemic. The survey showed that 44% of respondents received some contact with generic information related to the pandemic, but only 2% reported having received a more personalized service. Also, only 1% of respondents searched for information about the pandemic on channels of their health insurance company. The study concluded that health communication is a field yet to be explored and improved, with the potential to produce changes in the private health sector's hegemonic care model.
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