Management and Management in Primary Health Care in Brazil: The Nursing and Public Health

uma análise dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos




Management, Management, Primary Health Care, Collective Health, Nursing.


The context of reorientation of the health care model recommended by the Unified Health System (SUS) provided the anticipation of the training of the sanitarist, through the creation of the undergraduate course in public health. The professional who graduated from this course is able to work in the management and management of health systems, which can be configured as a place common to other health professions. In this perspective, the article aimed to compare the training of nurses and health workers in the managerial and managerial scope, based on their Political Pedagogical Course Projects - PPP’s. An analysis of the PPP’s of both courses was carried out at 15 Brazilian universities, prioritizing content and approaches about managerial and managerial skills and competences foreseen in the training of students. The results contextualized the managerial approach recommended in the training of these professionals, since the two undergraduate courses form professionals with a potential profile for management and health management. Based on the guiding documents for the training of professions, it was found that the specific competences aimed at managerial functions of nurses and sanitarians differ, mainly in terms of their scope, while the first is focused on managing the work process of the service professionals. of health, the second broadens the look of doing health for macro system processes, such as municipal management.


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How to Cite

Sanches Leonel M, Cruz MS, Lopes J de S, Rosa WV da SR. Management and Management in Primary Health Care in Brazil: The Nursing and Public Health: uma análise dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos. Rev. G&S [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];11(2):165-77. Available from:



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