Some insights into Startups
a novel paradigm for understanding the triple alliance of Science, Technology and Innovation
Science and Technology, Startups, Organizational InnovationAbstract
Currently, the entrepreneurship rate of the Brazilian adult population is 38%, fact that may leverage startup entrepreneurship. There is no single definition of what a startup is, nonetheless the most widely accepted viewpoint defines it as an interim ‘business model’ in search of a scalable and repetitive business model. The main objective of this essay is to discuss startups from an introduction standpoint, focusing mainly on Brazil and healthcare. Despite Brazil's idiocrasy as a country, such as the fact that much of the research is funded by the government, Brazil is a ‘globalized’ country, what makes theories developed in other countries Applicable for our culture. This observation, among other factors, motivated the writing of this essay based almost exclusively on materials published in English. It is concluded, as a result of the readings, that startups are currently a concept present in Brazil, and, additionally, that healthcare startups need special attention.
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