case study on the prevention of failures in a public hospital
Segurança do paciente, Cirurgia segura, Gestão da qualidade em saúde, Checklist cirúrgicoAbstract
According to a decision of the Collegiate Board of the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária, all health services in Brazil must have a Patient Safety Center (PSC). Each PSC should develop a Health Care Patient Safety Plan (PSP) in the safe surgery’s area. This research aimed to analyze means for the reduction of surgical failures in a public hospital based on its PSP. To do so, it was sought to analyze the current state of the goal; identify the causes of low adherence to the checklist and its unsatisfactory completion, if applicable; and put together a plan of action. The research is a descriptive case study of quantitative and qualitative nature. Interviews, documentary analysis and direct observation were used as instruments of data collection. The results indicated that adherence and quality of the checklists are not satisfactory and that the main causes of this are: lack of training, low awareness of safe surgery, lack of motivation of the professionals, low participation of managers and lack of communication between the team. Finally, an action plan was set up based on quality management and the PDCA cycle.
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