Meaning and Purpose in Life in Aging

A Scoping Review




The feeling that life has meaning or purpose is essential for human beings. Absence of meaning can lead to an existential vacuum. Purpose in life, akin to meaning in life, derives from the humanistic psychology theory of Frankl, and they are considered synonymous. Other scholars, however, regard the two constructs as distinct. The objective of the review was to map both concepts in the gerontological literature, examining how they manifest in aging. The review of the databases was carried out between January 2019 and March 2020. Thirty articles were included. In the context of aging, results were conflicting. The literature review yielded evidence to affirm that meaning and purpose in life are distinct concepts, despite sharing the same existential-philosophical roots.



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Comment citer

Alonso, V., Guarnieri Defanti, F., Liberalesso Neri, A., & Cachioni, M. (2023). Meaning and Purpose in Life in Aging: A Scoping Review. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.



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