Elos Program's Efficacy Evaluation in School Management of Child Behavior: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial




Mots-clés :

Good Behavior Game, efficacy, cultural adaptation, prevention program, child mental health


The Elos Program resulted from a Brazilian cultural adaptation of the Good Behavior Game, a preventive strategy for classroom management to reduce aggressive and disruptive behaviors. The goal is to discuss the Elos Program’s efficacy during its implementation in 16 elementary Brazilian public schools in two cities in 2016. The design was a non-randomized controlled trial with 80 classes in each group, experimental and control, involving 1,731 students. The study used the Generalized Estimating Equation model to verify the program's effect. Elos seemed to be effective in reducing aggressiveness and disruptive behavior in boys. These results are aligned with others GBG international studies and suggest that, after a randomized trial, the program would be ready to be disseminated in Brazil.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Daniela Ribeiro Schneider, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Full Professor and Chair in the Department of Psychology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Graduated in Psychology (UFSC, 1987), Master in Education (UFSC, 1993), Ph.D. in Psychology (PUC / SP, 2002), Post-Doctorate in Prevention Science (Universidad de Valencia - Spain, 2012 and University of Miami - USA, 2019). Research and Extension Activities are in the emphasis on Treatment and Psychological Prevention, focusing on problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs, development and evaluation of strategies, programs, and systems for prevention and health promotion, Psychosocial Care Network. She specializes in the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, with several studies on existential psychology and clinic. Coordinator of the CNPQ Research Group "Clinical of Psychosocial Care and Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs". Research productivity scholarship 2 by CNPQ.

Douglas Garcia, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Psychologist, Master in Psychology (PPGP-UFSC), Ph.D. student in Psychology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Paulo Otávio Andrade Oliveira D’Tolis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Psychologist, Master in Psychology (PPGP-UFSC), Researcher at the Research Center for Clinical Psychosocial Care (PSICLIN) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. 

Alessandra Mafra Ribeiro, Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo

Psychologist, master by the School Psychology and Human Development Program (USP) and by the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (UBC). Collaborating researcher at the Child Development Psychology Laboratory, with an emphasis on Transcultural Psychology, at the University of British Columbia (Canada), of the Clinical Research Group on Psychosocial Care and Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil), and the Laboratory for Research and Prevention in Education and Health (USP).

Joselaine Ida Cruz, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Ph.D. and Master by the Postgraduate Program in Collective Health - Department of Preventive Medicine - Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. Specialist in Chemical Dependence by the Alcohol and Drug Research Unit (UNIAD) at UNIFESP. She has a degree in Biochemical and Homeopathic Pharmacy from Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Professor of Collective Health, Public Policy, Scientific Methodology, and Master Pharmacy / Cosmetology. She worked as a Researcher / Coordinator in the area of prevention of drug use in a school environment and also as Coordinator of the Data Collection of the Program for the Prevention of Drug Use in a School Environment of the Ministry of Health evaluated by UNIFESP - #Tamojunto 2.0 (2019). She is currently a researcher at the Brazilian Center for Information on Psychotropic Drugs (CEBRID).

Zila van der Meer Sanchez, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

She is a Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Collective Health at the same institution. She has a degree in Pharmacy-Biochemistry from USP, master's, doctorate, and post-doctorate from UNIFESP. He completed part of his doctorate at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Social and Cultural Anthropology and was a post-doctoral fellow in Epidemiology at Michigan State University, in the USA, with courses in epidemiology (especially analyzes of epidemiological data) held at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Columbia University. She is a professor-advisor for a master's and a doctorate in the Graduate Program in Public Health at UNIFESP and in the Psychiatry Program at the same institution. She teaches Epidemiology for the undergraduate course in Medicine and postgraduate studies in Public Health at EPM. She is responsible for research grants at FAPESP, CNPq, Ministry of Health, and UNODC (UN). She is the author of more than 100 scientific articles indexed. She is an associate editor of the PLOS One and BMC Public Health journals, ad-hoc advisor to national (FAPESP, CNPq, FAPEMIG, FAPESB, and FACEPE), and international (Swiss National Science Foundation) research and reviewer of more than 30 indexed journals. Its main lines of research deal with the study of alcohol abuse (binge drinking) and other drugs by adolescents and young adults, in addition to evaluating the results of programs to prevent drug use and school violence. She is a member of the Technical Advisory Group (GCT) on alcohol policies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). She was a member of the expert committee to review the UNODC-UN's international drug prevention guidelines. She was a UNDP-UN drug policy consultant in the state of São Paulo.


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Comment citer

Schneider, D. R., Garcia, D., D’Tolis, P. O. A. O. ., Ribeiro, A. M. ., Cruz, J. I. ., & Sanchez, Z. van der M. . (2022). Elos Program’s Efficacy Evaluation in School Management of Child Behavior: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e38315.en



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