Attachment, Jealousy, and Conjugal Violence



Palabras clave:

Jealousy, Attachment, Psychological aggression, Conjugality


Psychological aggression is the most common manifestation of intimate partner violence. Literature demonstrates that attachment and jealousy can predict intimate partner violence. The aim of this study was to test a theoretical model in which jealousy is a mediator between attachment and psychological aggression. This is a quantitative study, with cross-sectional and explanatory design. A sample of 600 people, aged between 18 and 65 years old, residing in 13 Brazilian states, was investigated. A Sociodemographic data questionnaire, Psychological Aggression Sub-scales (CTS2), Questionnaire on the Affective Relationships (QAR), Interpersonal Jealousy Scale (IJC) and Adult Attachment Scale (AAS 2) were used. Structural equation modeling indicated that jealousy functioned as a mediator between attachment and psychological aggressions, alerting to the possibility of prevention in conjugality through early interventions.


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Cómo citar

Haack, K. R., Comandulli, B. T., & Falcke, D. (2023). Attachment, Jealousy, and Conjugal Violence. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.


