Negative Events, Coping and Biological Markers: An Application of Transactional Model of Stress
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Coping, negative life events, Stress Transactional Model, StressResumen
Based on the importance of the stress phenomenon, this research sought to evaluate the relationship between stress, coping strategies, negative life events and biological markers, based on the Transactional Stress Model. A general hypothesis of mediation was formulated: coping strategies would mediate the relationship between negative life events and biological markers. The sample consisted of 96 users of a biomedical school laboratory, in which 77.78% were female. Participants answered the Brief COPE questionnaire, as well as a questionnaire on negative life events. Laboratory tests were collected shortly after the application of the questionnaires. Mediations were found between Venting, Red Blood Cells and Hemoglobin. The research aimed to contribute to the knowledge in the field of stress and coping, as well as to serve as a possible empirical study of the Transactional Stress model.
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Derechos de autor 2022 Raissa Maria Boamorte Afonso, Amalia Raquel Perez-Nebra, João Gabriel Modesto, Adriane Zambonato
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