Attitudes toward Intimate Partner Violence and Intimate Partner Acceptance-Rejection among Cape Verdean students living in Portugal
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Intimate partner violence, Acceptance-rejection, Cape Verdean students, PortugalResumen
This research sought to determine the prevalence of intimate partner violence, characterize attitudes toward violence, analyse relations between perceptions of intimate partner acceptance-rejection and practices of violence and examine relations between intimate partner acceptance-rejection and beliefs and attitudes toward intimate partner violence among Cape Verdean students that lives in Portugal. One hundred and sixteen participants, aged 15 to 25 years, from three professional schools, four secondary schools and one university, completed the Scale of Beliefs about Marital Violence, Marital Violence Inventory, Dating Violence Scales and Intimate Partner Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire. Significant positive correlations were found between beliefs about marital violence, dating violence attitudes and intimate partner rejection. Regressions showed intimate partner rejection predicted marital violence beliefs and dating violence attitudes.
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