Self-Regulation for Reading Comprehension

Assessment of Strategies and Time Management




Self-management, Study habits, Reading, Middle school, Psychological assessment


Self-regulation of learning strategies and time management can foster reading comprehension. This research investigated the content validity of three scales aimed at Middle School students: the Reading Strategies (EE-CL), the Time Planning and Organization (EOT-L), and the Procrastination (EP-L). Three researchers and 16 students evaluated the scales. The theoretical and practical relevance of the EE-CL and EOT-L was verified, but not of the EP-L, whose remaining items were included in the EOT-L. In the internal structure investigation (N= 522 students), the EE-CL presented a unifactorial structure and the EOT-L, two factors, with reasonable reliability estimates. Both scales may help identify specific problems of students' self-regulation aimed at strategies and time management for reading comprehension and support further research.


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How to Cite

Satico Ferraz, A., Aparecida Angeli dos Santos, A., & Porto Noronha, A. P. (2023). Self-Regulation for Reading Comprehension: Assessment of Strategies and Time Management. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 39.



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