Attitudes of Religious People on Marriage and Adoption by LGBs
Religiosity, homosexuality, civil marriage, adoption, prejudiceAbstract
The goal of the present work was to analyze the attitudes of people from different religious affiliations in regard to marriage and adoption of children by LGBs. A questionnaire was answered by 202 people with a mean age of 34.2 (SD = 11.61), affiliated with the religions of Catholic, Protestant, Inclusive Protestant, Spiritist and religions of African origin. The questionnaire contained measurements of religiosity and prejudice, as well as open questions regarding the theme. The results indicated that the majority of participants displayed favorable attitudes towards these rights. However, a part of the sample presented unfavorable attitudes, mainly the Catholics and the Protestants who were politically aligned to the extreme right. These findings suggest obstacles towards the maintenance of LGB’s rights.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Bruno Ponte Belarmino Lima, Ágatha Aila Amábili de Meneses Gomes , Luana Elayne Cunha de Souza
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