“Who Doesn't Pick-Up, Doesn´t Get Attached”? Interactions and Bonds with Foster Infants





Object attachment, Child development, Infants, Caregivers, Child foster


This study investigated the emotional bonds between caregivers and foster infants, and how these were meant and enabled in a foster care institution. An exploratory study was conducted, following the interactions of three babies (age: 4-13 months). Video recordings were weekly made, along three months, in addition to interviews and field diaries. Observational categories were quantified. Results indicate low caregivers’ responsiveness to the infants’ expressions. Caregivers avoided physical contacts. Institutionalized guidelines (as “don´t pick-up the baby to not get attached”) circunscribed interactions. Strong emotional bonds were established with certain children. It was discussed how emotional socialization, caregivers’ responsiveness and the context organization are related to infant’s socio-affective development, the construction of bonds and the process of learning.


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How to Cite

Garcia Moura, G., de Souza Amorim, K., & T. Rossetti-Ferreira, M. C. . (2022). “Who Doesn’t Pick-Up, Doesn´t Get Attached”? Interactions and Bonds with Foster Infants. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 38. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e38322.pt



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