Executive Functions in Children with ADHD and/or Reading Difficulty
Executive control, Attention deficit, ReadingAbstract
The objective of this study was to compare the Executive Functions performance (EFs: inhibitory control, auditory and visuospatial working memory, cognitive flexibility and verbal fluency) between children with ADHD, reading difficulties (RD), comorbidity ADHD/RD and without complaints of ADHD and RD (WRD). Participated 104 children, of both sexes, aged between eight and 11 years old. The results indicated worse performance of ADHD/RD group in the majority EFs. ADHD presented better performance than DL in semantic verbal fluency. The WRD obtained better scores than the ADHD / DL and DL in practically all the evaluated EFs, but did not differ of ADHD.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Estephane Enadir Lucena Duarte Pereira, Carla Alexandra da Silva Moita Minervino, Lara Fechine Piquet da Cruz, Rauni Jandé Roama-Alves, Josemberg Moura Andrade
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