Pain Portrait:

a way to understand individual suffering


  • Adrianna Loduca
  • Barbara Maria Müller
  • Alessandra Spedo Focosi
  • Claudio Samuelian
  • Lin Tchia Yeng



Chronic Pain; narration; design


This study aims to verify the suffering associated with chronic pain through the projective instrument "Pain Portrait”. It is a descriptive study carried out with 126 patients with chronic pain of different etiologies. Responses were analyzed according to the Bardin content analysis method and statistical tests. Patients were found: who believe that no suffering compares to their pain (34.9%); Who compare their pain to other pains or diseases already experienced (16.6%); And those who compare pain to situations of emotional distress (48.4%). This study showed that emotional aspects play an important role in how the individual will interpret and use his or her own resources to deal with their pain.


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How to Cite

Loduca, A., Müller, B. M., Focosi, A. S., Samuelian, C., & Yeng, L. T. (2021). Pain Portrait: : a way to understand individual suffering. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.


