Assessment of the Therapeutic Evolution of Psychiatric Patients through Rorschach Psychodiagnosis




Therapeutic evolution, Psychiatric diagnosis, Rorschach


The present work aims to constitute an important contribution to the scientific proof of the effectiveness of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic interventions, through the Rorschach test. A clinical sample of 10 psychiatric patients, admitted and followed at the Day Hospital of a psychiatric hospital in the North of Portugal, where the psychoanalytic orientation intervention model is followed. The data were collected in two moments: upon admission, a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and Rorschach's projective proof were applied; after three months of treatment, Rorschach was re-applied, followed by a survey of exclusion criteria and patient evaluation on the therapeutic program.The comparative analysis of the data showed a slight therapeutic evolution and personality functioning.


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How to Cite

Costa, P., Remondes-Costa, S., & Milheiro, C. (2021). Assessment of the Therapeutic Evolution of Psychiatric Patients through Rorschach Psychodiagnosis. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.



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