Forgiveness as a Goal of Intervention with Inmates




Forgiveness, Intervention, Moral education


This paper reports the results of an intervention to promote attitudes to receiving forgiveness and self-forgiveness in a group of 10 inmates, equally divided into experimental group (EG) and control group (CG), submitted to pretest and posttest. The intervention was based on the phases and units of the clinical processes of the offenders’ forgiveness dimensions and was performed in 16 sessions lasting 90 minutes each. After the intervention, EG participants had significant improvements in attitudes to receiving forgiveness, self-forgiveness, and self-esteem. It is considered that the skills and strategies worked will be able to assist them in their interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution, as well as in the process of social reintegration.


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How to Cite

Alencar, T. F. de, & Rique Neto, J. (2021). Forgiveness as a Goal of Intervention with Inmates. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.



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