Psychoanalysis and Aging: Focusing on Scientific Production


  • Vitória Ávila Santos Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro
  • Álvaro da Silva Santos
  • Araceli Albino
  • Rodrigo Eurípedes da Silveira
  • Giovanna Gaudenci Nardelli



Elderly, Aging, Psychoanalysis


An integrative review aimed at knowing the psychoanalytic scientific production regarding the elderly and aging. The period considered was 2011-2015, and the databases consulted were: Index-Psychology, LILACS and MedLine. The following terms were used: Aged, Elderly, and Psychoanalysis. Eighty-nine references were identified. Editorials, repeated articles and those which did not address the guiding questions of this study were excluded. Eleven articles were considered adequate. It is clear that psychoanalysis has demonstrated interest in the elderly, which is more prevalent than epistemological questions. Therefore, clinical practice is more frequently present among the studies about the subject. However, there is a need for more research on the topic.


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How to Cite

Santos, V. Ávila, da Silva Santos, Álvaro ., Albino, . A., da Silveira, R. E. ., & Gaudenci Nardelli, G. . (2019). Psychoanalysis and Aging: Focusing on Scientific Production. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 35.



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