Egalitarian Parental Care: literature review and conceptual construction
Parenthood, Family, Egalitarian relations, Gender relations, PsychologyAbstract
This literature review discusses how the concept ofegalitarian parental careis constructed as a representation of the new dynamic in parents/children relations in the contemporary world. To achieve this goal, it retrieves national and international scientific publications in the last five years and focus, as a matter of priority, on the psychological perspective. Results were presented according to data distribution between areas of knowledge, methods, international and national occurrence. Analysis was based on the following categories: assumptions for an ideal egalitarian family, contemporary parenting, parenting versus work versus professional career, and egalitarian parental care. Conclusion shows that egalitarian parental care is a trend in contemporary parenthood construction and demand further investigation in diverse contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Carine Valéria Mendes Santos, Nathalia Teixeira Caldas Campana, Isabel Cristina Gomes
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