Altruistic Behavior in Childhood: What does Literature Shows us




Systematic review, Child altruism, Altruistic behavior


A variety of altruistic behaviors differentiated has been evidenced in childhood. This article aimed to systematize empirical studies produced in the years 2010 to 2015 about child altruism. After the elaboration and application of a systematic selection protocol, were found 14 articles were fully analyzed. The studies have examined the child altruism (1 to 11 years old) in association with different variables such as moral evaluation, response costs, family income, social distance, ability to abnegate immediate awards, adverse events, representations of attachment, social dominance, genetic composition, among others. It was concluded that children still very young and in different contexts demonstrate altruism through different topographic actions if they find opportunities for this.


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How to Cite

Vilalva, S., Löhr, S. S., & Guedes, M. (2021). Altruistic Behavior in Childhood: What does Literature Shows us. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37.



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