Critical Analysis of the Conceptual Foundations of Paris Psychosomatic School


  • Lucas Nápoli dos Santos Faculdade Pitágoras de Governador Valadares
  • Carlos Augusto Peixoto Junior Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ)


Psychosomatic, Psychoanalysis, Paris Psychosomatic School.


This paper presents a critical analysis of the theoretical framework of the Paris Psychosomatic School. It intends to demonstrate the hypothesis that such conceptual framework is supported in an Enlightenment conception of subjectivity, which sees the body as something to be dominated by the mind. It argues that such a view is expressed by the hypothesis held by the authors of this school, according to which the vulnerability of the person to somatic illness occurs because of a fundamental or passing failure of mental functioning. It shows that such a statement is heir of the conception of psyche formulated within Freudian metapsychology, in which the mind is understood as a device designed to enable the discharge of excitement, especially that from the body itself (instinctual excitement).


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Author Biographies

Lucas Nápoli dos Santos, Faculdade Pitágoras de Governador Valadares

Psicólogo; Mestre em Saúde Coletiva pela UFRJ; Doutorando em Psicologia Clínica pela PUC-RJ; Psicólogo clínico em consultório particular; Psicólogo educacional na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Campus Governador Valadares); Professor Mestre na Faculdade Pitágoras de Governador Valadares

Carlos Augusto Peixoto Junior, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ)

Psicólogo; Psicanalista; Professor do Departamento de Psicologia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica da PUC-Rio. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.



How to Cite

Santos, L. N. dos, & Peixoto Junior, C. A. (2019). Critical Analysis of the Conceptual Foundations of Paris Psychosomatic School. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 34. Retrieved from



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