Effects of Modeling and Positive Reinforcement on Children’s Fruit Consumption


  • Makerley Stefanine Silva Ferreira
  • Sonia Maria Mello Neves
  • Quezia Gonçalvez da Paz
  • Ana Carolina Gonçalves Souza
  • Ivaldo Ferreira de Melo Junior




eating habits; fruit; modeling; positive reinforcement; Behavior Analysis


This study evaluated the effects of modeling (videos) and consequences on fruit consumption of three preschool children. In Experiment 1, videos were presented, and subsequently, consequences. In Experiment 2, consequences were programmed, then videos and consequences were presented together. In Experiment 1, consumption was greater during presentation of consequences; in Experiment 2, videos and consequences together produced higher consumption than only consequences, suggesting an enhancing effect of videos. Gradual change in the intermittence of consequences reduced consumption for three participants in Experiment 1, but increased consumption for the two participants affected by the interventions in Experiment 2. Consumption was greater in BLII, compared to BLI, but it was lower than during interventions, indicating temporary effect of such interventions on consumption.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, M. S. S., Neves, S. M. M., da Paz, Q. G., Souza, A. C. G., & Junior, I. F. de M. (2021). Effects of Modeling and Positive Reinforcement on Children’s Fruit Consumption. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 37. https://doi.org/10.1590/0102.3772e372516



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