Participation of Children between Three and Five Years Old at Home and in the Community Setting
Environmental barriers, Social inclusion, ParticipationAbstract
The main goal of the present study was to document the participation of preschool children at home and in the community setting, describing the differences between eligible children with support of Special Education Service and/or of the Early Intervention System and noneligible children, in three main dimensions: child functioning, child participation and perceived environmental barriers. Data about child functioning was collected through preschool teachers and about participation and barriers through parents. Sociodemographic data was also collected. Forty preschool teachers and 116 children (and their parents) participated in this study. Forty-two children were eligible and had support from Special Education Service and/or of the Early Intervention System. The results showed that eligible children have lower levels of functionality, participate less frequently and are less involved in the activities at home and in the community setting and that their parents perceive more environmental barriers in both settings. The results were analysed considering the Biopsychosocial Model.
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