Physical Child Abuse:

Analyzing Parental Stress and Social Support


  • Lílian Paula D. Bérgamo Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marina Rezende Bazon Universidade de São Paulo


Physical abuse, Parental stress, Social support, Maltreatment


This study verified the existence of a relationship between parental stress, social support, and physical child abuse. Two groups were compared, G1 ”“ caregivers reported for abuse, and G2 ”“ caregivers not reported for abuse. Three questionnaires were applied: one assessing social demographic and economic variables, one measuring Social Support, and one assessing the Parental Stress Index. Results indicated that G1 not only showed higher levels of stress and lower levels of social support, but also lower values on the dimensions “Affective” and “Positive Social Interaction”. The parents of G1 were younger when their first child was born, and reported less satisfaction with their neighborhood. The investigated variables should be incorporated in prevention and treatment programs directed to reduce physical child abuse.


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How to Cite

D. Bérgamo, L. P., & Rezende Bazon, M. (2011). Physical Child Abuse:: Analyzing Parental Stress and Social Support. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(1), 13–21. Retrieved from



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