Illness Perception and Coping in Women with Breast Cancer


  • Elisa Kern Kern de Castro Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Priscila Lawrenz UNISINOS
  • Fernanda Romeiro UNISINOS
  • Natália Britz de Lima UNISINOS
  • Sílvia Abduch Haas Hospital Santa Rita


Neoplasms, Breast neoplasms, Cancer patients, Physical illness (attitudes toward), Illness perception, Coping behavior


The objective of the study was to investigate the relationship between illness perception and coping in women with breast cancer. Transversal, correlational and comparative design including 157 women with an average age of 51.95 years at the time of application of the instruments. The sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire of illness perception and coping were applied individually during medical consultation in a specialized cancer hospital. Results indicated the existence of a relationship between illness perception and coping. Perception of cyclic duration was predictive of instrumental coping and distraction. Emotional representation was a predictor of emotional confrontation.It was concluded that, despite illness perceptions being a predictor of coping, the magnitude is low.


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How to Cite

de Castro, E. K. K., Lawrenz, P., Romeiro, F., Britz de Lima, N., & Abduch Haas, S. (2017). Illness Perception and Coping in Women with Breast Cancer. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(3). Retrieved from



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