Significant Events in Generational History and Their Relations to Somatizations in the Family


  • Aline Vilhena Lisboa NUIPSO/UFJF
  • Terezinha Féres-Carneiro Departamento de Pós-graduação em Psicologia da PUC Rio


Family history, Significant events, Somatization, Violence, Conflicts


This research report aims to present some of the relations between somatizations and family history. It proposes
to investigate somatization by analyzing significant events in the family. Semi-structured interviews with ten families were
conducted in the context of a qualitative investigation approach. Content analysis was realized of the reports that were subjectively
associated to the context of a number of diseases. It was observed that the disease encompasses one of the expressions of family
violence. The repetition of conflicting and violent behaviors between generations, and the affective instability, demonstrate
the daily routine of these families, and they provoke affective wear. The somatizations arise as a representation of the invasion
of another person´s life, as the difficulty of expressing feelings, and as the unawareness of affective demands. The present
study intends to contribute to more effective actions coming from the psychologist in the primary prevention of family health.


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How to Cite

Lisboa, A. V., & Féres-Carneiro, T. (2015). Significant Events in Generational History and Their Relations to Somatizations in the Family. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 31(1). Retrieved from