Validity and Reliability of the Leiter International Performance Scale ”“ Revised for children of 6 to 8 years
Intelligence, Psychometrics, Leiter-R, ChildhoodAbstract
This study verified psychometric parameters of the Leiter-R, a nonverbal intelligence scale. The scale was
administered to 213 children between 6 and 8 years. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory indexes showed adequacy for
a two factor structure according to the original version. Moderate and high correlations between test-retest measures indicated
the stability of the test scores. The values of Kuder-Richardson and Spearman-Brown coefficients varied between subtests
according to the age of the children. In all age groups the highest values were observed for the subtests Sequential Order and
Repeated Patterns. Significant increase in scores occurred only from 6 to 7 and 8 years. Evidence of convergent validity was
obtained between the Leiter-R with the WISC-III and the Raven Colored Progressive Matrices.
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