Metacontingencies of Ethical Self-control

Effects of Increase in the Magnitude of Reinforcement


  • Holga Cristina Rocha Gomes Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho Universidade Federal do Pará


Cultural transmission, Behavior analysis, Choice behavior


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of progression of the magnitude of individual consequence concurrent with cultural consequence on the recurrence of an interlocking previously selected by cultural consequences in a metacontingency arrangement of ethical self-control. Undergraduate students were assigned to two laboratory microcultures, which were exposed to an ABACDC design. The conditions A and B have concurrence between metacontingencies and operant contingencies and in C and D conditions such concurrence was suspended. Additionally, there was progression of the magnitude of the individual
consequence result of impulse responses (receiving individual) in B and D conditions. The data indicated selection of ethical self-control cultural practices in both conditions, no concurrence and concurrence.


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How to Cite

Rocha Gomes, H. C., & Zagury Tourinho, E. (2017). Metacontingencies of Ethical Self-control: Effects of Increase in the Magnitude of Reinforcement. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(4). Retrieved from



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