Assertiveness and Self-Control:

A Behavior-Analytic Interpretation


  • Vívian Marchezini-Cunha Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho Universidade Federal do Pará


Issues related to assertiveness have been investigated by behavior therapists for over three decades. It is more recent, however, the effort made by behavior-analytic therapists to examine such issues with the same conceptual and methodological tools employed by their colleagues in basic and conceptual research. This study aims to provide a behavior-analytic interpretation of assertive, aggressive and passive behavior patterns. We recovered some definitions of assertiveness/aggressiveness/passiveness and then examined the corresponding phenomena as behavioral relations, discussed some aspects of the behavior-analytic approach of self-control, and suggested that behavioral relations defined as assertiveness/aggressiveness/passiveness may be interpreted as instances of self-control or impulsiveness. Such approach may give rise to new directions in clinical research of social skills from a behavior-analytic standpoint.


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How to Cite

Marchezini-Cunha, V., & Zagury Tourinho, E. (2010). Assertiveness and Self-Control:: A Behavior-Analytic Interpretation. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 26(2), 295–304. Retrieved from



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