Behavior of School Children Stratified by Birth Weight and Gestational Age


  • Sabrina Kerr Bullamah Correia Universidade de São Paulo
  • Adriana Martins Saur
  • Sonia Regina Loureiro


Birth weight, Gestational age, Behavior, Cohort studies


Weight and gestational age are relevant criteria for assessing the conditions of childbirth. The goal of the
present study was to characterize and compare the behavior of a cohort of children stratified by two criteria: birth weight and
birth weight in relation to the gestational age. At the ages of 10 and 11 years, 677 children were evaluated by the Strengths
and Difficulties Questionnaire. The following statistically significant differences were observed: the low weight group had
more emotional symptoms than the normal weight group; the very low weight group had more hyperactivity compared to other
groups; and the small in relation to the gestational age group had more difficulties with respect to the total score and emotional
symptoms in relation the other groups. It was concluded that the stratification by two criteria allowed the identification of
specific difficulties in behavioral performance.


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How to Cite

Correia, S. K. B., Martins Saur, A., & Regina Loureiro, S. (2014). Behavior of School Children Stratified by Birth Weight and Gestational Age. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 30(2), 179–188. Retrieved from