Substantial Relationism:

The Ontology of Behavior from the Perspective of Radical Behaviorism


  • Diego Zilio Instituto de Psicologia - USP


Radical behaviorism, Skinner, Behavior, Ontology, Relationism, Substance


Influenced by pragmatism and pepperian contextualism, some behavior analysts have denied any ontological
assumption concerning substance to radical behaviorism. As a result, a radical version of relationism is defended in which the
only property relevant to the existence of behavior is the very relation that defines it. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the
pertinence of that position. Three questions will guide our analysis: (1) Why is substance not important to radical behaviorism?;
(2) Why is substance important to radical behaviorism?, and (3) What is, in fact, the ontological attitude more consistent with
radical behaviorism? It is argued that extreme relationism does not accurately reflect radical behavioristic ontology and it is
suggested that substantial relationism is a more coherent position.


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How to Cite

Zilio, D. (2012). Substantial Relationism:: The Ontology of Behavior from the Perspective of Radical Behaviorism. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(1), 109–118. Retrieved from