The Therapist’s Pregnancy and its Consequences on the Psychotherapeutic Process


  • Cláudia Backes Tonon Instituto Fernando Pessoa
  • Patrícia Fasolo Romani
  • Rosaura Grossi


Pregnancy, Therapeutic relationship, Psychotherapy


This article discusses the peculiarities of a therapeutic setting during pregnancy of the therapist. The main
objective of this study was to investigate and understand the influence of pregnancy on the therapeutic relationship considering
that the therapists conceived during the treatment of their patients. This work is an observational qualitative study of exploratory
nature. The clinical method and semi-structured interview were used for data collection. After this phase the data were analyzed
using content analysis. The results show that pregnancy has intense consequences, enabling infantile conflicts and experiences
being revived and even reinterpreted. The most demonstrated feelings by the patients were: envy, fear of abandonment and
neglect, and conflicts related to identification with a mother figure.


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How to Cite

Tonon, C. B., Romani, P. F., & Grossi, R. (2012). The Therapist’s Pregnancy and its Consequences on the Psychotherapeutic Process. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(1), 87–92. Retrieved from