Subjective Experience of Time and Its Influence on Behavior:

Review and Models


  • Alejandro Vasquez Echeverria Facultad de Psicología - Universidad de la República


Time perception, Self, Internal timer, Episodic memory, Future thinking


Since the beginning of psychology researchers have tried to explain the subjective experience of time on cognitions, emotions and behavior. As it is one of the most complex and influential dimensions of the mind, it has been approached from different conceptions without a common consensual framework. This article attempts to contribute to the systematization of the psychology of time expanding a fourfold model, which emphasizes life-time perception or Time III. Publications were selected that were either relevant in the history of psychology or had a good citation index. An explanatory model of Time III is proposed that incorporates discussion and debate and which intends to integrate various existing models encountered in the literature.



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How to Cite

Echeverria, A. V. (2011). Subjective Experience of Time and Its Influence on Behavior:: Review and Models. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 27(2), 215–223. Retrieved from



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