Children’s Conceptions of Family:

A Quantitative Approach


Conceptions on family, Childrens conceptions, Interviews with children


The study investigated children´s conceptions of family. Participants were 120 boys and girls aged 5-12, from two Brazilian regions (Northeast and Southeast), two urban contexts (capitals and inland cities), and from upper middle and lower socioeconomic strata. Children were interviewed individually according to a semi-structured interview syllabus. The results showed that children´s conceptions of who belongs to the family do not reflect cohabitation, but, possibly, the degree of companionship with other relatives (grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins); generation was a stronger differential than gender for the definition of father’s, mother’s, siblings’, grandfathers’ and grandmothers’ profiles; family was pictured as a basic need, locus of identity and belongness, but children find it difficult to define the concept. Methodological questions are discussed and directions for future research are pointed out.



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How to Cite

Children’s Conceptions of Family:: A Quantitative Approach. (2010). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 26(3), 417–426. Retrieved from



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