Research & Psychoanalysis:

Some Lacanian References


  • Angela Cavalcanti Bernardes Universidade Federal Fluminense


Research in psychoanalysis, Lacan, Singular, Universal, Concept, Supposed to know


This paper suggests a discussion about some parameters that guide the research in the field of psychoanalysis, taking into account that such research is not based on the statistical and experimental criteria of the discourse of science. Two specific aspects of that field are pointed out: the methodological value of the case’s singularity and the relation between the conceptual proposition and the enunciation context. It is also examined two Jacques Lacan’s references to the Picasso’s sentence: “I don’t look for it, I find it”. The Freudian indissociation perspective between research and practice is assimilated in relation to the proximity between the investigative work and the psychoanalyst work in the psychoanalytical experience.


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How to Cite

Bernardes, A. C. (2010). Research & Psychoanalysis:: Some Lacanian References. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 26(1), 35. Retrieved from