Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention and Adherence to the Treatment by Persons with HIV/AIDS


  • Quintino de Medeiros Faustino Universidade de Brasília
  • Eliane Maria Fleury Seidl Universidade de Brasília


Cognitive-behavioral intervention, HIV/AIDS, Antiretroviral treatment adherence, Coping, Self-efficacy


The study investigated the effects of cognitive-behavioral intervention on inadequate adherence to the antiretroviral therapy. The participants were two men with AIDS (P1 and P2). A HIV positive woman (P3) was a control subject. It was compared behavior adherence evaluation, strategies of coping, expectation of self-efficacy and biological variables of three periods ”“ baseline (BL), immediately after (M2) and three months after (M3) the intervention. The participants P1 and P2 reported increases on the levels of adherence to the therapy, on the scores of self-efficacy and on problem-focused coping. The participant P3 maintained unsatisfactory levels of adherence and low scores of self-efficacy. It was concluded that cognitive-behavioral intervention has positive effects on the adherence to the antiretroviral therapy.



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How to Cite

de Medeiros Faustino, Q., & Fleury Seidl, E. M. (2010). Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention and Adherence to the Treatment by Persons with HIV/AIDS. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 26(1), 121. Retrieved from